Friday, June 29, 2007

Where to go next.

In the comments from my last post I was asked about discussing the process in more detail after the nominations go out.

Since I'm hurting for topics at the moment, I've decided to run with it, and let someone else do the work of figuring out my topic for the day.

First, let me say that I intend to continue this blog at least until the winners are announced. Where it goes after that I suppose depends on what happens with next year's judge nominations. If people like what I've done here, my work at recognizing podcasts, or especially if they agree with my nominations and think that I did a good job judging, I'd love to be nominated again. If someone does nominate me, and I'm elected, I'll continue this thing until the voting public finds someone to do the job better.

But that's not really what this is about, and it's a bit too early to start campaigning, so I'll stop there.

As to the question of discussing the process in more detail, I'd love to. I'm not really sure yet what that will entail, but I'm open to suggestions if anyone has thoughts.

I'm struggling with the idea of discussing my own votes directly. I certainly would like to share, but I'm not sure how fair it would be to the other judges or the process. Obviously we are different people, with different tastes, so there is no way everyone is going to get all of their picks, but I have confidence that I won't be disappointed with the picks as a whole.

It's not just a blank vote. The judges get together and discuss what our thoughts are regularly. We've posted our lists and have compared notes. I'm not sure how much that has swayed everyone, but I know some of my picks are based on the reasons other judges have given, so that's something, and I'd like to think that my picks have been given equal consideration.

I believe the plan is to come to consensus wherever possible, and rely on voting as a last resort. I think that the products themselves are better represented that way. I will say that, while our top 5 lists may not look identical yet, there is a lot in common between them, and I don't think I've seen anything that seemed to me like it didn't belong.

So, here's the plan I think. I'll ask the judges and the board how they feel about judges discussing their votes. After winners have been announced seems somewhat more appropriate, but at very least after the nominations are out.

In the mean time, I'll start a Q&A series on my blog as soon as the nominations go live, and I'll answer any questions that I can. At very least I'm willing to discuss the actual nominations and why those decisions were made. If anyone has any questions or comments beyond that, I'd love to hear them.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Super Monday and the voting process

As I understand it the absolute final day for the judges is now Monday, July 2. On that day we should email in our final votes for the various categories.

If I understand the process correctly, each judge will vote seven times in each of the 20 different categories. The first vote is worth two points, the next four are worth one point, and the final two votes are worth a half-point. Presumably these will then be tallied, and the top five for each category will than be announced as the nominations for this year's Ennie Awards.

I believe that will actually happen Friday, July 6th, but that's not really my department, so don't hold me to it. Denise and the board will get them out quickly I'm sure, so people have plenty of time to look over their options and familiarize themselves with the products before public voting begins.

Pretty soon my part of this will all be over, and then it'll be in the very capable hands of the ENnie Awards Board of Directors, who have done an absolutely amazing job of making this happen. I'll keep posting here and offering insights as I can, but beyond next week all I'll have left are personal opinions. My tenure as judge is all but over.

Thanks to everyone who has stuck it out with me here. Talking (er, writing) it out has really made the whole thing a lot easier.

While I'm thinking about it, I also want to mention that I think next year the judging will be handled a bit differently. Once again, the final decision is up to the board, but I think it's a fantastic idea.

Basically, the idea would be to elect judges before GenCon, and announce them at the show. That way they can get started right away, and they'll have nearly a full year to fully review and playtest the games, as opposed to the three months we had this year. I think this'll be a huge boon to whoever gets elected. One of my greatest regrets is that I only actually got to play with a fraction of the items I received. If this happens, next year the judges should be able to do much better.

Of course, that only works if publishers submit products right away, but I know last year a ton of stuff was given over to the board at the end of the show. A note to the publishers out there: If you want to get on the judges' good sides (and make sure everything is played as well as read), don't wait until May to send out products :) That last minute push in June is a real pain.

Forty Percent

Finished two more categories, bringing me up to eight out of twenty, or 40% done.

That's not even particularly accurate, since six of the remaining categories only have one or two slots remaining. Like I said earlier, those are the tough ones to fill. Still, that's a job for tomorrow. It's 1:30 in the morning here and I need some sleep, tomorrow will be a long day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today's update

You know what's sad? The UPS man pulled up outside a minute ago and it really made me miss getting something new to review in the mail everyday.

Anywho, I completed two more categories this morning. I now have top 5 lists for Best Fansite and Best Podcast. Besides that, I have nearly full lists in almost every category. I've found that filling out the first half of a category is easy. It's just when you start running out of room and look down to find four things you can't imagine not making the list, and you have two slots left, that sucks.

I already lost one of my favorite games, and another that I was really looking forward to, just because there simply wasn't room for them in the Best Game category. I can't imagine how tough it's going to be when I start losing more of my choices to make roome for the things other judges pick.

Still, I guess it's an important part of the process. If everyone just accepted my picks they'd be the Master of the Game Awards, and who'd care about that? Having five judges is important, because it allows room for a variety of tastes.

It still sucks though :p

Everything would be so much easier if they would just realize that I'm right.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Back to work

Alright, so it was probably less than appropriate to take so long off with only a few days left to go, but I did. Even though it wasn't my intention, that would indicate forethought, of which I am incapable, I think it actually helped.

From the time I got home from work Friday until I sat down to write this blog post I haven't thought about gaming even once. I even canceled my regular Friday and Sunday games. Instead I visited with some family from out of town, went to a party with my wife, and generally just took some time to rest and relax.

It's kind of like clearing your palette though. I really feel rested, refreshed, and ready to get back to work.

Which is good, seeing as how I only have a few days left to finish up.

Of course, that implies that I'm not ready, which is technically true, but it's not really the whole story. I have yet to sit down and type out my final votes for a number of categories, and I would like to go over a couple things again to sort everything out in my mind, but if pressed I could probably name my top 5. I guess I put together a little list of them as I was reading. Sure, I'm not ready to make any final decisions yet, but that is more a function of my reluctance to deny nominations to some very deserving products, simply because they had the misfortune of competing in a large category full of strong contenders.

Formality or not, the lists have to get done though, so I guess break time is over. Thanks for bearing with me through the lack of updates and the rambling return to posting. I'll try to get something of real value up later.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

A matter of perspective

I took this picture just after I go in the last of the entries, and thought I'd share. There's only one item (Campaign Cartographer 3) that's not in the picture, otherwise this is everything that was entered.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

More progress

I've completed two more categories, including one of the big ones. I have now made my top 5 choices for Best Game and Best Regalia.

Also, it looks like Best Software is going to be folded into its parent category, Best Aid. There simply weren't enough entires for a fair field. There were two, to be exact. Campaign Cartographer 3 and Fantasy Grounds 2.

So, in theory that makes me 25% done. Of course, that doesn't take the over-arching categories like Product of the Year, Best Writing, or Best Rules into account, but it is measurable progress. That's a very good thing, since I now have, I believe, eight days before we start moving on to final voting.

You know, I'm really going to miss this when it's all said and done.

Busy day

My first big step. I have my top 5 lists for Best Miniature and Best Cover. Okay, I have a top 6 for Best Cover, I'm not really sure which I would drop off my list, but I'm hoping the other judges will help with that.

Still, it feels good to make some big progress, even if it is in what are probably the easiest categories.

New plan

Well, after spending the morning working on trying to whittle down my lists I think I've decided to hit it from a different angle.

I was grabbing random products, which just wasn't working, so here's my newest thought:

I'm going to separate the books into pile by type of product, Supplement, Adventure, Adversary, Setting, Aid, Mini, Regalia, Software, Free Product, Electronic, Game, and d20. That way I'm at least comparing apples to apples.

We'll see if that makes it any easier.

The last few steps

So, it's 1am and my wife and kids are sleeping soundly. That means I have a bit of free time to tie up a few loose ends.

The reading is done. I still have a few things that I need to go back over, but this afternoon I finished off the last of the books. It was, of course, Ptolus, my nemesis who stayed with me to the end.

And so I sit here in the middle of the night, surrounded by my conquests, each of the 200+ products that have occupied my days and nights for the last two and a half months. Tonight I begin the preliminary paring down of nominations. My plan at this point is simple. I'm going to go through my notes and each product one at a time, and then take several pieces of paper, each devoted to one of the 21 categories, and where I think a book qualifies I will write down its name and a very brief note on why.

I have no real hope of getting down to my top five this way, only narrowing the field a bit. Tomorrow I think the other judges and I will engage in a little real-time chat, and I'd like to have an idea of what I like, and why, so I can add to the conversation. Hopefully I'll be able to narrow the list down a bit further after our talk tomorrow.

Either way I still have a couple weeks left for my final votes, but it would certainly be nice if I had at least some idea of what those votes might be.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Cold City

I mentioned Cold City while I was up standing on my soapbox yesterday, so I thought it might make a good topic for my next little mini-review.

The book itself is small and light, weighing in at 128 pages of the smaller 5 1/2" x 8 1/2" format that seems fairly common for the IPR books.  It's light on artwork, but what is there is often dark, twisted, and well suited for a city filled with ineffable horror, because really, shouldn't all horror be ineffable?

The book perfectly illustrates my point of the value of games who try new directions and offer a different type of game play.  Set in Berlin, five years after the end of World War 2, it uses the backdrop of a city devastated by war, divided by its conquers, and filled with unimaginable horrors.

Yeah, that's the backdrop.

Sure, the premise of the game is a multi-national group of monster hunters who secretly stalk the streets of Berlin with the hopes of quietly defeating creatures the world would do better not knowing about, but as cool of a hook as that is, it's only the beginning.

At its heart, Cold City is about characters, and the drama that they represent, in a very real way.  You aren't just monster hunters.  You're a team cobbled together from the various allied powers who occupied Berlin following the war.  Each character comes from a separate nation, each with its own problems, agendas, and prejudices.  As the Cold War begins to heat up, you are forced to work together and trust one another, even as your governments grow colder.

Of course, that leads to the question of what trust represents.  In Cold City trust is a very real and tangible force.  Further, it's a kind of currency that's just waiting to be traded in.  What that means mechanically is that you can draw upon the trust you have in others to allow you to focus on the task at hand.  If you've broken into a Nazi lab and are trying to gather information about whatever horror was birthed here, you can gain bonus dice to your rolls if you trust that your buddy is watching your back.  Where there is trust, however, there is the potential for betrayal.  If you just happen to be the trusted friend who is supposed to be watching your companion's back, you might consider betraying your companions to get bonus dice that could help you sneak out some vital piece of equipment that may serve your government's interests.

That's why I say that the city itself is just the backdrop.  It seems to me that the real action here is focused on the characters' relationships with one another, and the effort to balance that with their own needs and the goals of their governments.

It's a wonderful book, allowing the players to explore the darkness that engulfs the horror-filled streets of post-Nazi Berlin, while exploring the nature of the own group and characters as well.  The mechanics perfectly fit the style of game play, and actively serve to encourage characters to play to the themes the game represents.  It may not be the game for every group, but if you are looking for something different, or something that will test you ideas of in-game loyalty, you would be hard-pressed to find a game that does it better.

5 out of 5.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Expanding Horizons, part II (Game systems)

I'll continue my thoughts from yesterday, and hope people don't mind my rambling on too much.

I think the willingness to take a chance and introduce new styles rather than just new settings or mechanics is what impresses me the most about some of the newer generation of games that I've been reading. The small press games, indie RPGs, or even larger companies that are willing to give something else a try. Some of these games are written in such a way that it's like they come equipped with a pocket GM to show you a new way of playing. I know there have been games around that offer these things for a while, but somehow I managed to let them slip by while I picked up the same kinds of games that I have been collecting for years.

Certainly they're not all for everyone, and many of them don't really even fit my personal style, but there is definitely something to be learned here, and in that some are truly brilliant. For most, I think it comes in a subtle shift in paradigm from adventure to drama. Certainly there is still adventure involved, and depending on the game it is still likely to be a huge part, but the story now comes from drama, often personal or group based, not just situational.

Of course a lot of us have played games that way all along, but for me the breakthrough came in the form of a more-or-less total, and permanent, shift in focus. A number of games have rules that not only reinforce this idea, but encourage players to really press forward and take a chance. The mechanics themselves give players a reason to create and feed off of the drama, not just of the situation, but of the characters themselves.

I know I'm not describing it well, but I personally found it very neat. It's like a whole group of game designers are working hard to teach stogy old gamers like me that there are new ways to play the same old games. Best of all, if these games don't work for us for whatever reason, we can still take the tricks we learned back to the games we've always played, and use them to give us new weapons for our arsenals, rather than just using the same old formulas.

Not that there is anything wrong with the way we've always played, heck right now I'm running the fairly standard assortment of Shadowrun, D&D, and Scion, but I love having new tools to draw from.

For example, player conflict has long been verboten at my table, but then I sat down and read through Cold City, where trust and betrayal are central themes, and I've reconsidered the rule a bit. I'm not ready to start letting my D&D players toss fireballs at one another, but I'm intrigued at the idea of conflicting character backgrounds. I also mentioned in my last blog that I tend to run games for years at a time, and while I have run one-shots before, it never occured to me that you could really get into a character in the course of a single night until I read through Sprit of the Century, which gets a ton of mileage out of the basic premise that you shouldn't hold back, because next session simply may never come.

I know it's not for everyone, but to me it was a breath of fresh air. Its something I simply hadn't gotten enough exposure to until I was given the chance to judge the ENnies this year.

Now I guess I'll drop the long-winded commentaries, and return you to your regularly-scheduled useless ramblings.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Expanding Horizons, part I (Podcasting)

I've always thought of myself as a fairly cosmopolitan gamer. Like many players of my generation I've been playing for a very long time, and like many players I have experimented with dozens of systems. For the most part I thought that, by trying out every major system that came along, I was fairly well versed in just about every play style.

I have been proven wrong.

I think one thing that those of us who primarily run games miss out on, is seeing alternate ways that games can be played. Even if you like to try new things, and are open to other ideas, you are still limited by your definition of what an RPG or a campaign is. For example, I run a lot of games, usually two to three a week, but they still mostly break down into the same basic style. I start the group off, find some way to tie them all together, run a few plots by them until something sticks, and then spread that out into some over-arching storyline that usually lasts 50 to 100 sessions... Roughly a year or two of play. In the mean time there will be side plots and individual storylines of course, but basically that's my modus operandi.

Since I've never actually played in any extended games under someone else, I don't think it ever occurred to me that games should be run any other way.

Then I started cruising forums and listening to podcasts, and I started to open up a little to different perspectives. I see more value in short-term games, or games with a bit of conflict between players, and the idea really intrigues me, but I haven't really given much thought to how I might go about trying it out.

Then one day I'm listening to the Sons of Kryos (an excellent podcast, that I waited way to long to get into) on my way into work, and realize hat I have to stop 20 minutes in, and start over once I'm somewhere that I can take notes while I listen. It really made a difference in how I play. They're not the only ones either. I was completely burned out on D&D when an episode of Dragon's Landing inspired me to write a new campaign world. Gamer the Podcasting convinced me to get back up from the table, use props, move around a bit, and really get into the game. The list goes on and on.

That's why I pushed so hard for a podcast category. They really did help to make me a better player. It's not the specific advice, so much as listening and hearing about the different ways other people play. It was about expanding my horizons by exposing me to dozens of good, experienced players, who aren't bogged down by my preconceived notions of what a campaign is.

So, I guess I should thank the podcasting community, not just for entertaining me, but really teaching me. I know that I, and others like me, can be quick to blow off the specific things you say, especially the GM hints or player advice. We already know it all, right? I don't need anyone to tell me how to frame a scene, or write an NPC, do I? Maybe not, but I still learn by seeing that there are other methods available, and that is where the real value lies. It's not easy for life-long GMs with long-term groups to sit down at someone else's table and get a taste of their idea of what defines an RPG, but these podcasts make it possible. They open a little window onto someone else's game, and help us to find new definitions of our own.

Maybe I'm the only one who has that need, but I know it sure worked for me.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Conspiracy X 2.0

Conspiracy X (ConX) perfectly fits one of the styles of game that I've been searching for years to fill. A number of other games have served well to scratch the itch, Gurps, Spycraft, Hero, but none have seemed to click so completely into both the genre and my style of play.

The book itself feels small. It's an odd shape and size, and seems a little thin, but inside are 256 pages of dense-packed, pure gold. The art is good, very setting specific, and expresses the genre well. The layout is clean and easy to read, though I might have preferred I slightly different font for headers, but that's more a function of my own tastes.

The book starts with a 15 page short story that serves to introduce a number of world elements and themes, and then moves through a brief introduction to the book and basic roleplaying conventions. After that it jumps straight into character creation, starting with how your character got recruited, and offering a couple of different play styles before pushing on to the standard Attributes, Qualities, and Skills. What sets this apart, for me at least, starts here. At first glance, Qualities seem like the kinds of advantages and disadvantages that you see in any number of games. What makes these different centers a bit around "Pulling Strings", a specific type of quality that gives the characters access to modern resources without making PCs relient on them, or letting off-screen NPCs steal the show. These are player abilities that just happen to take the form of NPCs, not NPC abilities that the player has to call upon for help. I know that's not coming across as clearly as I'd like it to, but I can't think of a better way to put it. Basically, even if your characters aren't actively doing it themselves, it is still an action on the part of the player.

I wish I could explain it better, but the words escape me in my excitement.

This feeling of player impact on the world continues on into the next chapter, which centers on building the cell (player group). Let's try this: Have you ever played X-Com? Have you ever thought, "Darn, I wish I could do that in an RPG"? Based on the number of forum threads I've seen over the years I'm going to guess that is a 'yes' from some of you. It's somewhat like that. You pick the location and the form that your base (or bases) take. Some might be more secure (underground bunker, anyone?), some might have access to special services (military base?), or some might just be cheap and big (like a warehouse). You then use your character's influences to strart occupying the spaces within the base with equipment, personnel, or facilities appropriate to influences that his his role in the group provides. In this way the group can structure their cell around the kind of games they want to play. Want to research advanced tech? Build a lab and hire scientists. Want to train some backup? Put in a gun range and hire a few soldiers. Heck, throw in an airstrip, helipad, or hospital while you're at it.

The potential impact this has on play is huge. In Spycraft, for instance, the GM determines a lot of how the mission is going to go down based on the threat level or equipment available. In ConX, the players control the equipment by determining how they stock their armory. They control the investigation aspects or research by deciding if it's important enough to them to add a lab or intelligence officers.

Okay, enough rambling, you get the point.

The next chapter covers the rules of the game, which should feel familiar and simple enough to be easily grasped by most players. Roll a d10, add you attribute and skill, modify as appropriate, if you hit a 9, it's a success. Like any number of games that focus on story and action over rules this can feel a little light, and is perhaps my least favorite part of the game. This has a lot to do with my own biases though I think. A single d10 doesn't offer any kind of bell-curve, which is a prsonal preference, and because the die size and bonuses from attributes and skills are both fairly small (Attributes and Skills generally range from 1 to 5 each), there seems like a lot of potential there for randomness. That said, they are certainly robust enough to allow for a fulfilling game experience, and the simplicity makes for fast play, which is a huge bonus.

Chapter five covers the paranormal, which I felt was one of the deeper and more intense sections. Psychic powers are quick and easy, though I did find them to be a little light on variety, but the section on magic, especially seepage and corruption, seemed a little over-complicated, and really felt like it clashed a little with the free and easy flow that the game had established.

Once past that we move on to the final chapter, which covers the "Classified", or GM only, portions of the book. Here we get a look at the history of the setting, some of the advanced tech, and of course, the threats that make the agents' lives difficult. Without giving away too much, let me say that it is well-written, interesting, and perfect for the feel of the game that has been presented.

I absolutely loved this book. 4 out of 5.

Friday, June 15, 2007

The final list

Here it is, a full list of the 239 entries for this year's ENnie awards.





7eme Cercle


Accordlands: Campaign Adventure Book



Accordlands: Master Codex



Accordlands: Mosters and Lairs



Accordlands: World Atlas



Autumn Arbor

Arbor Productions


Hunter & Prey: Anatomy of Obsession (PDF)

Arbor Productions


Hunter & Prey: Of Gods and Men (PDF)

Arbor Productions


Zantabulous Zorcerer of Zo

Atomic Sock Monkey


Panty Explosion

Atarashi Games


Liber Chaotica

Black Industries


Liber Necris

Black Industries


WFRP: Character Folio

Black Industries


WFRP: Children of the Horned Rat

Black Industries


WFRP: Companion

Black Industries


WFRP: Corrupted (Novel)

Black Industries


WFRP: Games Master's Toolkit

Black Industries


WFRP: Lure of the Liche Lord

Black Industries


WFRP: Murder in Marienburg (Novel)

Black Industries


WFRP: Night's Dark Masters

Black Industries


WFRP: Tainted Blood (Novel)

Black Industries


WFRP: Terror at Talabheim

Black Industries


WFRP: Tome of Corruption

Black Industries


Witch Hunter's Handbook

Black Industries


Dawning Star: Helios Rising

Blue Devil



Blue Devil


Cold City

Contested Ground


Buckshots: Johnny Comes Marching Home (PDF)

Dog House Rules


Frontier Towns: Fort Griffin #3 (PDF)

Dog House Rules


Six-Guns: Lawmen- Earps and Mastersons (PDF)

Dog House Rules



Dragonfire Lasercraft


Kitsunemori (PDF)

Dog Soul


Darkwalkers: The Evil Within (PDF)

Dragonwing Games


High Psionics: Psicrystals Expanded (PDF)

Dreamscarred Press


Untapped Potential: New Horizons in Psionics (PDF)

Dreamscarred Press


Conspiracy X 2E

Eden Studios


Don't Rest Your Head

Evil Hat


Spirit of the Century

Evil Hat


Hollow Earth Expedition

Exile Game Studio


Ubiquity Chips

Exile Game Studio


Ubiquity Dice

Exile Game Studio


1 on 1 #3: Forbidden Hills

Expeditious Retreat


AA: Pod-Caverns of the Sinister Shroom

Expeditious Retreat


Magical Medieval Society: European Warfare (PDF)

Expeditious Retreat


Magical Society: Silk Road

Expeditious Retreat


Nevemore Gazetteer (PDF)

Expeditious Retreat


Big Bang Theory (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Modern Floorplans: All Saints Church (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Modern Floorplans: Argent National Bank (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Modern Floorplans: Blanco Drugs (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Modern Floorplans: Byte's (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Modern Floorplans: Concentrics (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Modern Floorplans: Joe's Diner (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Half Past Midnight (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Till Death Do Us Part (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Under the Shadow of the Cross (PDF)

Fabled Environments


Classic Battletech Additional Records (PDF)



Classic Battletech Introductory Records (PDF)



Classic Battletech Introductory Rulebook (PDF)



Classic Battletech Quickstart



Classic Battletech Quickstart (PDF)



Classic Battletech Total Warfare



Classic Battletech Universe (PDF)



House Davion



On the Run



Runners' Havens



Street Magic



E-Z Dungeons (PDF)

Fat Dragon


E-Z Tiles: Dungeon Starter Set (PDF)

Fat Dragon


Ptolus: Counter Collection

Fiery Dragon


Ptolus: Counter Collection (PDF)

Fiery Dragon


Adventure Seed 1A: A Knife in the Dark (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Adventure Seed 1B: To Burn a Witch (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Adventure Seed 2: Felrican Nights (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Echoes of Heaven Campaign Setting (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Festering Earth (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Last Free City (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Lost Kingdom of the Dwarves (PDF)

Final Redoubt


On Corrupted Ground (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Throne of God (PDF)

Final Redoubt


Faery's Tale

Firefly Games


In Harm's Way (PDF)

Flying Mice


In Harm's Way: Aces in Spades (PDF)

Flying Mice


Wildernes Encounters 5: Inner City (PDF)

Forever People


Mortal Coil

Galileo Games


Order of the Stick: No Cure for the Paladin Blues

Giant in the Playground


DCC 28: Into the Wilds

Goodman Games


DCC 29: Adventure Begins

Goodman Games


DCC 30: Vault of the Dragon Kings

Goodman Games


DCC 31: Transmuter's Last Touch

Goodman Games


DCC 32: Golden Palace of Zahadran

Goodman Games


DCC 33: Belly of the Great Beast

Goodman Games


DCC 34: Cage of Delrium

Goodman Games


DCC 35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms

Goodman Games


DCC 36: Talons of the Horned King

Goodman Games


DCC 37: The Slithering Overlord

Goodman Games


DCC 38: Escape from the Forrest of Lanterns

Goodman Games


DCC 39: Ruins of Castle Churo

Goodman Games


DCC 40: Devil in the Mists

Goodman Games


DCC 41: Lost Arrows of Aristemis

Goodman Games


DCC 42: Secret of the Stonearm

Goodman Games


DCC 43: Curse of the Barrens

Goodman Games


DCC 44: Dreaming Caverns of the Duergar

Goodman Games


Etherscope: Mysteries of the Occult

Goodman Games


Etherscope: Softcover

Goodman Games


Etherscope: Upload: Etherpunk

Goodman Games


Thieves of Fortress Badabaskor

Goodman Games


Xcrawl: Coney Island Crawl

Goodman Games


Xcrawl: Dungeonbattle Brooklyn

Goodman Games


Xcrawl: Necromerica

Goodman Games


WFF: Rumble in the Wizard's Tower

Goodman Games


BEA 1: Mansion of Shadows

Green Ronin


BEA 3: Dirge of the Damned

Green Ronin


Black Snake Dawn

Green Ronin


Crisis in Freeport

Green Ronin


Damnation Decade

Green Ronin


Deck of Many Things

Green Ronin


Murder at the Vulger Unicorn

Green Ronin


M&M: Golden Age

Green Ronin


M&M: Time of Vengeance

Green Ronin


M&M: Ultimate Power

Green Ronin


Shadowspawn's Guide to Sanctuary

Green Ronin


Thieves' World Gazetteer

Green Ronin


Thieves' World Player's Manual

Green Ronin


True 20: Bestiary

Green Ronin


True Sorcery

Green Ronin


Astounding Hero Tales (Novel)

Hero Games


Thrilling Places

Hero Games


Tuala Morn

Hero Games


Ultimate Skill

Hero Games


E-RPG Game Master Lodestar (PDF)

Ironwood Omnimedia


E-RPG Game Master Lodestar Demo (PDF)

Ironwood Omnimedia


Fantasy Sagas: Paradigim (PDF)

Ironwood Omnimedia


Fantasy Sagas: Player's Guidebook (PDF)

Ironwood Omnimedia


Fantasy Sagas: Player's Guidebook Demo (PDF)

Ironwood Omnimedia


Fantasy Sagas: Prophesy (PDF)

Ironwood Omnimedia


Conflict Chips

JC Designs


Evil Genius #1 (PDF)

Lame Mage


Hero Lab (software)

Lone Wolf



Malhavoc Press


Ptolus: Night of Dissolution

Malhavoc Press



Margaret Weis


Knightly Orders of Ansalon

Margaret Weis


Price of Courage

Margaret Weis


Serenty: Out in the Black

Margaret Weis


Lacuna Part 1

Memento Mori


Out of the Darkness (CD)

Midnight Syndicate


Castle Shadowcrag (PDF)

Open Design


GameMastery Combat Pad

Open Mind


Mister Lincoln Experiment

Oppressed Proletariat


Art of Dragon Magazine

Paizo Publishing


Dragon 344

Paizo Publishing


Dragon 351

Paizo Publishing


Dragon: Monster Ecologies

Paizo Publishing


Dungeon 131

Paizo Publishing


Dungeon 135

Paizo Publishing


Game Mastery: Adventure Gear

Paizo Publishing


Game Mastery: Critical Hit Deck

Paizo Publishing


Game Mastery: Flip-mat Tavern

Paizo Publishing


Game Mastery: Map Pack Campsites

Paizo Publishing


Ptolus: Chaositech Adept

Paizo Publishing


Ptolus: Dwarf Rifleman

Paizo Publishing


Ptolus: Minotaur Priest (mini)

Paizo Publishing


Savage Tide Player's Guide

Paizo Publishing


Dictionary of Mu

Paka's Thread Games


Rifter: Swimsuit Issue

Palladium Books


RWB 29: Madhaven

Palladium Books


Shadows of a Forsaken Past (PDF)

Paradigm Concepts


Tales of the Caliphate Nights

Paradigm Concepts


Five Fingers: Port of Deceit

Privateer Press


Hoarluk Doomshaper (mini)

Privateer Press


Lord of the Feast (mini)

Privateer Press


No Quarter #4

Privateer Press


No Quarter #6

Privateer Press


Vayl, Disciple of Everblight (mini)

Privateer Press


Campaign Cartographer 3



Slipgrip Hobby Mat



Legends Walk: Truth & Justice Edition (PDF)

Silver Branch


Questers of the Middle Realms (PDF)

Silver Branch



Simon Rogers


Cthulhu Live



Fantasy Grounds II

Smite Works


Dragons of Autumn

Sovereign Press


Blood & Guts: In Her Majesty's Service 2 (PDF)

Sword's Edge


Treasure Chest Unlocked: Gems (PDF)

Sword's Edge


Against the Darkness

Tabletop Adventures


Bits of Magicka: Mystic Writings (PDF)

Tabletop Adventures


Deck O' Names: Japanese (PDF)

Tabletop Adventures


Deck O' Names: Japanese Generator (PDF)

Tabletop Adventures


Mother of All Treasure Tables

Tabletop Adventures


Ars Lingua (PDF)

Tangent Games


Divine Order: Jute (PDF)

Tangent Games


Mineral Magic: Volume Two (PDF)

Tangent Games


Natural Wonders: Flora (PDF)

Tangent Games


Dark Influences

White Wolf


Exalted: Dragon-Blooded

White Wolf


Exalted: Scroll of the Monk

White Wolf



White Wolf


Promethean: Storyteller Screen

White Wolf


Scion: Hero

White Wolf


Scion: Hero- Of Shadows Yet to Come

White Wolf


Vampire: Mythologies

White Wolf


Mythic Game Master Emulator

Word Mill


Player's Guide to Blackmoor

Zeitgeist Games


Dungeons of Castle Blackmoor

Zeitgeist Games




Burning Emires

Fan Sites


Dragonlance Nexus


Flames Rising


Merric's D&D Minis Page


Modus Operandi




Treasure Tables


Twenty Sided


World of Farland





Accidental Survivors


All Games Considered


Bear's Grove


Board Games with Scott




Dragonlance Canticle


Dragon's Landing


Fear the Boot


Fell Calls


Fist Full of Comics and Games


Gamers' Haven


Game Master Show


Gamer Traveler


Godzilla Gaming


Have Games, Will Travel


LARP podcast


Master Plan


OgreCave Audio Report


Pulp Gamer


Sons of Kryos


The Tome


Villain Talk


Yog Radio